Collection: Benninghof | Weigel

Interior architecture studies, fh kaiserslautern, Germany 90-95 interior architecture studies, Brighton University, United Kingdom 92 gerkan, marg & partner, hamburg, germany 95-96 studio peter maly design, hamburg, germany 96-00 studio in association with karsten weigel, hamburg, germany 00-03 lecturer at victoria university, wellington, new zealand 04-07 professor at university of applied sciences, mainz, germany since 07 studio bernd benninghoff, mainz, germany since 07
Born in Hamburg. He graduated 1996 in Industrial-Design at the Muthesius-School in Kiel, Germany. From 1996-2000 he worked as designer for several international furniture manufacturers at the offices of Rolf Heide and Peter Maly. In 2000 he founded his own office in Hamburg. From 2003-05 he taught at the HAWK in Hildesheim. 2005 he started his professorship at the HFT-Stuttgart, Germany. He received several awards and recognitions and cooperates with different international furniture firms.+ Read More